Archive for diabulimia

An introduction of sorts…

Welcome to my blog. I thought I would start blogging as I have been journalling for years and recently I decided to start transferring my written journals onto the computer and have realised just how time consuming it is!


I’m surrounded by boxes…almost everything that Ben and I own is packed into cardboard boxes and stacked in our lounge ready for our move next week. We head off to Greenbelt (Christain arts festival in Cheltenham) tomorrow along with several of the teenagers (and two of their parents) from the youth group. Not the best timing in the world considering that we have to be out of our flat on Weds and don’t get back here till late Mon evening! But it’ll be fun, I enjoy the festival and have been looking forward to it for months. We didn’t get to go last year because it was just a few weeks before the wedding and we had far too much to organise.

It’s been frustrating today because whilst trying get everything into boxes my blood sugars have been dropping. I was 2.5 at 11.15am, then 4.0 at 12:30,  it went down to 3.2 at around 4pm and then dropped again when we were taking our camping stuff to the church. So I don’t feel that I have been very efficient as I kept having to take breaks to bring my sugars back up. Ho hum…I’ve made sure that I have plenty of glucose tablets and suitable snacks ready to take camping.

I finally got my Diabulimia website online the day before yesterday and I have been overwhelmed by the response to it already. There is so little information and support out there for people who have diabetes and an eating disorder that any new resources are always welcomed. I’ve been struck by the fact that those of us who have been in treatment all report similar things..the proffesionals just don’t know how to treat us. Despite diabulimia being the subject of many research papers and journal articles there doesn’t appear to be any more awareness amongst most people working with people who have eating disorders. And there is little support within most diabetes clinics. This means that hundreds if not thousands of people are continuing to suffer and their condition is getting worse because there are no resources available to help them.

I shall continue with this when I get back from camping. I really must head to bed now as it’s an early start tomorrow morning.

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